Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Equine Photography

I am getting very excited to shoot some wild horses!  Photos, that is... no need for PETA to get their feathers all ruffled up here!  My better half has turned me on to an organization that specializes in equine photography.  It should be no suprise; it seems like there's an organization to promote just about any type of photography.  

Their website is, and they have some fun looking workshops coming up.  In May, they are presenting their "8th Annual EPNet Spring Workshop: Colorado Cowboys and Great American Horse Drive" in Craig, Colorado.  The workshop will provide an opportunity to photograph the "Great American Horse Drive" which features approximately 800 horses.  It is the largest horse drive in the country, covering a 60 mile route to the home ranch over two days.  There will also be opportunities to set up photo shoots with working cowboys, portfolio reviews and guest speakers.  Also reps from Nikon will be there with equipment for the attendees to try out.  Hmmm... think long fast glass... 

I know Lucy would love to go if we can swing it.  If not, we could always go find the wild Mustang herds on our own (I know where they are...).  In the meantime here's one of the images that I shot at the barn on Monday while Gracie and Lucy were spending quality time together...


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